Monday, January 28, 2019

decibel magazine - Retrospective: Malhavoc’s “Premeditated Murder”

Evil Annihilator posted on facebook this link :
decibel magazine - Retrospective: Malhavoc’s “Premeditated Murder”

I will guess it was written by this same Greg Pratt ->

Pretty much agree with what he said.

Though. after this album was released, was when I stopped caring.

It was clear they were about to abandon metal to become whatever it is they are, and I was not going to pay to see them play live anymore or buy their future cd's. Premeditated Murder was cool for what was included on it, but now I see it was probably to keep the interest from old fans by clearing out some of the vault.

I never seen the concerts where Jimi was cutting his chest onstage, but for years was hearing/reading about it from others, or new friends who were fans.

Was not interested in viewing that in person. Especially since he supposedly was taken to the hospital many times.
(Maybe as a teenager it might be cool and appealing to watch a show and then learn the musician died after you witnessed the last concert ever?)

and the main reason I stopped caring....

James started hanging upside down naked onstage, and as John C. once said (but about porn) "If I want to look at some guy's dick, I'll go home and look at my own".

Monday, January 7, 2019

Anyone remember when a review said Malhavoc's drums sounded like shit?

I forgot from where, so ask James if you are on the Malhavoc facebook group page.

Somebody wrote that the drums sounded like shit on The Release (or maybe it was another early CD).
Funny thing is, was it not Dave Lombardo's drumbeats sampled off the SLAYER "Reign In Blood" album ??!