Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Old Videos on youtube

Now that Canada Post's strike is over, I can get back to shipping/recieving mail, which means some really cool oldschool METAL I will share with you...eventually.

For now, let's watch some old music videos -

EDIT: JUST REMEMBERED, the first Malhavoc video might have been for Dunwich Horror, using Walt Disney's FANTASIA, and/or a very ancient cartoon or movie about H. P. Lovecraft's Dunwich Horror.
I have looked on the inetrnet and can't find even on wiki any old films from pre-1980 that would fit what I am thinking of. I only seen the video maybe once or twice years ago, and thought Malhavoc's self-made video of movie clips was on youtube in the last 2 or 3 years.
There are pages for Dunwich Horror there, will keep searching.

Attack from the Sepulcher

"Second video Jimi LaMort made from the demo 'The Age of the Dark Renaissance' in the summer of '86"

'Release' promo video

"MALHAVOC's first 'real' promo video ('Release'). Taken from live footage shot by audience members and edited together by James C. Lots of horror movie clips noticable"...

'Second Image' promo video

Live at the Rivoli - 1991

"filmed in Toronto at the Rivoli club by John Dubiel. You can see a lot of the members of the MALHAVOC family either on the stage or in the audience. This show was after the release of the PUNISHMENTS ep and before the recording of PREMEDITATED MURDER album."


that fucked up Malhavoc's release and EPIDEMIC RECORDS due to a lawsuit from The Rolling Stones or Led Zeppelin
- Dead from the album Premeditated Murder (1992)

ONE fuckin question though...THIS IS NOT FROM their cd! WHERE did this mix come from as the Zeppelin and Stones samples are missing! ...was Premeditated "re-released" with a different mix?


  1. Yes, Predeitated Murder was rerealed by Cargo without the Rolling Stones and Zeppelin samples after the Stones sued Malhavoc and Epidemic records.


  2. Thank you sir for that info!
