Sunday, January 5, 2020

Lossless files maybe soon again ?

I am supposed to get the vinyl LP of the 1986 demo, maybe it was sent already , but have not checked my rental mail box since october, so it might be sitting there for all I know.

If i got it free from the band, then forget about the free downloads from here ever again.

It is the least i can do to help the band/James,  but when I go in the next week to check if I got any physical mail and it ain't there, then guess i will re-rip/re-up everything as FLAC or WAV rips.


  1. Hellwoes, message me so i can get you that vinyl!

    Jimi LaMort

  2. i emailed James back i think 2 times to get the record and he seemed idea if the vinyl would be / is better than the original tape anyways...sure, looking at the vinyl cover (and inserts if any) would be cool, but no longer care as much ...i will download the 24 bit flac files I now found online
